

Bug fixes, features, docs, and issue support are all contributions. We love it when people help out and are more than willing to give you advice, guidance, or just be a 🐥 debugger for you.

Global Dependencies

If you're reading this, you might be interested in pitching in from a code point of view.

The weex-toolkit is powered by Node (7.6 or above). Install Node using brew (if on macOS) or by following the instructions here:

Also install yarn: brew install yarn or

Installing weex-toolkit

Next, fork the repo on Github and clone down your repo.

git clone<yourusername>/weex-toolkit

Install all the dependencies.

cd weex-toolkit

Weex Cli's source files are outside of the ./packages folder and written in Javascript.

Others modules were put into the ./packages and are written in TypeScript.

Documentation lives in /docs.

Features & Fixes

git branch feature/fun
yarn test
yarn lint
git commit -m "feat(core): add some funny features"
git push -u origin --HEAD

Your commit log should fellow the rules on scripts/verifyCommitMessage.js.

The commit log should be consistent with the following:

feat(compile): commit message
fix(module): commit message (close #28)
docs(getting-started): update installation description

Submitting a Pull Request

Go to Github and open your fork, Switch to the branch with your new changes, click new pull request button, choose the compare across forks option and open a PR against master of weexteam/weex-toolkit.

If there has no code conflicts, you can submit this pull request.

Then submit the pull request.

Keeping up to date

You want your fork's master to be the same as weex-toolkit/master.

# just once, run this to track our repo as `upstream`
git remote add upstream

# then when you need to update
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

# and here's where you'd create your branch
git checkout -b feature/mybranch