tree: 238c39118dd6048d9eb0da2826557f566a737e33 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Wayang Assembly

This is an assembly module for Apache Wayang(Incubator) project.

It creates a single tar.gz file that includes all needed dependency of the project except for the jars in the list

  • org.apache.hadoop.*, those are supposed to be available from the deployed Hadoop cluster.

Note: This module is off by default. To activate it specify the profile in the command line -Pdistribution

Note: If you need to build an assembly for a different version of Hadoop the hadoop-version system property needs to be set as in this example: -Dhadoop.version=2.7.4 at the maven command line

Execution Profile Assembly

To execute the Wayang Assembly you need to execute the following command in the project root

./mvnw clean install -DskipTests 
./mvnw clean package -pl :wayang-assembly -Pdistribution