blob: d8dcf7f847a16008d69a66db090f2c235851068b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.wayang.core.plan.wayangplan;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.wayang.core.util.OneTimeExecutable;
* Goes over a {@link WayangPlan} and isolates its loops.
public class LoopIsolator extends OneTimeExecutable {
// Refactor: We don't need the OneTimeExecutable here (as of now).
private final WayangPlan wayangPlan;
private LoopIsolator(WayangPlan wayangPlan) {
this.wayangPlan = wayangPlan;
public static void isolateLoops(WayangPlan wayangPlan) {
new LoopIsolator(wayangPlan).run();
private void run() {
protected void doExecute() {
if (this.wayangPlan.isLoopsIsolated()) return;
final Collection<LoopHeadOperator> loopHeads =
(Collection<LoopHeadOperator>) (Collection) PlanTraversal.upstream()
* Isolates the loop starting at the {@code allegedLoopHead}.
* @return the isolated {@link LoopSubplan} or {@code null} if none could be isolated
public static LoopSubplan isolate(Operator allegedLoopHead) {
if (!allegedLoopHead.isLoopHead()) return null;
LoopHeadOperator loopHead = (LoopHeadOperator) allegedLoopHead;
// Collect the InputSlots of the loop.
final Collection<InputSlot<?>> bodyInputSlots = collectInboundInputs(loopHead);
List<InputSlot<?>> loopInputSlots = new ArrayList<>(loopHead.getLoopInitializationInputs().size() + bodyInputSlots.size());
List<OutputSlot<?>> loopOutputSlots = new ArrayList<>(loopHead.getFinalLoopOutputs());
// TODO In the best case, we should also do the following sanity check: Is any loop body operator reachable...
// ...from the loop head's final OutputSlots? That would be fatal.
// Insert a new Subplan to delimit the loop body.
return LoopSubplan.wrap(loopHead, loopInputSlots, loopOutputSlots);
* Collect all {@link InputSlot}s in the loop body corresponding to the {@code loopHead} that are not fed by the
* loop itself. Also, checks various sanity aspects of the loop body.
private static Collection<InputSlot<?>> collectInboundInputs(LoopHeadOperator loopHead) {
// Gather all Operators that are part of the loop.
final Collection<Operator> loopBodyOperators = PlanTraversal.downstream()
.traverseFocused(loopHead, loopHead.getLoopBodyOutputs())
// Collect inbound InputSlots and perform sanity checks.
Collection<InputSlot<?>> inboundInputSlots = new HashSet<>();
for (Operator loopBodyOperator : loopBodyOperators) {
if (loopBodyOperator == loopHead) continue;
// Find such InputSlots that are fed from outside of this loop.
final InputSlot<?>[] inputs = loopBodyOperator.getAllInputs();
for (InputSlot<?> input : inputs) {
final OutputSlot<?> occupant = input.getOccupant();
if (occupant != null && !loopBodyOperators.contains(occupant.getOwner())) {
// Sanity check the OutputSlots.
Validate.isTrue(!loopBodyOperator.isSink(), "Disallowed sink %s in loop body of %s.", loopBodyOperator, loopHead);
// Sanity-check inputs of the loopHead.
for (InputSlot<?> inputSlot : loopHead.getLoopBodyInputs()) {
Validate.notNull(inputSlot.getOccupant(), "Loop body input %s is unconnected.", inputSlot);
"Illegal input for loop head input %s.", inputSlot);
for (InputSlot<?> initializationInput : loopHead.getLoopInitializationInputs()) {
if (initializationInput.getOccupant() == null) continue;
"Illegal input for loop head input %s.", initializationInput);
// Sanity-check the outputs of the loopHead.
for (OutputSlot<?> outputSlot : loopHead.getLoopBodyOutputs()) {
final List<? extends InputSlot<?>> occupiedSlots = outputSlot.getOccupiedSlots();
if (occupiedSlots.isEmpty()) {
LogManager.getLogger(LoopIsolator.class).warn("{} is not feeding any input slot.", outputSlot);
for (OutputSlot<?> outputSlot : loopHead.getFinalLoopOutputs()) {
final List<? extends InputSlot<?>> occupiedSlots = outputSlot.getOccupiedSlots();
for (InputSlot<?> occupiedSlot : occupiedSlots) {
"%s is inside and outside the loop body of %s.", occupiedSlot.getOccupant(), loopHead);
return inboundInputSlots;