blob: 94f58566647114475fd1d3c7b4566b412cfcb6a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.wayang.core.optimizer.costs;
import org.apache.wayang.core.function.FunctionDescriptor;
import org.apache.wayang.core.plan.wayangplan.Operator;
import org.apache.wayang.core.util.JsonSerializable;
import org.apache.wayang.core.util.JsonSerializables;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.apache.wayang.core.util.json.JSONObject;
* Reflects the (estimated) required resources of an {@link Operator} or {@link FunctionDescriptor}.
public class LoadProfile implements JsonSerializable {
* Instance with all values set to {@code 0}.
public static final LoadProfile emptyLoadProfile = new LoadProfile(
new LoadEstimate(0),
new LoadEstimate(0),
new LoadEstimate(0),
new LoadEstimate(0)
private final LoadEstimate cpuUsage, ramUsage, networkUsage, diskUsage;
private final Collection<LoadProfile> subprofiles = new LinkedList<>();
* The resource utilization of this load profile.
private double resourceUtilization = 1d;
* Overhead time that occurs when working on this load profile.
private long overheadMillis;
* Creates a new instance without network and disk usage, full resource utilization, and no overhead.
* @param cpuUsage the CPU load
* @param ramUsage the RAM load
public LoadProfile(LoadEstimate cpuUsage, LoadEstimate ramUsage) {
this(cpuUsage, ramUsage, null, null);
* Creates a new instance with full resource utilization, and no overhead.
* @param cpuUsage the CPU load
* @param ramUsage the RAM load
* @param networkUsage the network load
* @param diskUsage the disk load
public LoadProfile(LoadEstimate cpuUsage,
LoadEstimate ramUsage,
LoadEstimate networkUsage,
LoadEstimate diskUsage) {
this(cpuUsage, ramUsage, networkUsage, diskUsage, 1d, 0);
* Creates a new instance.
* @param cpuUsage the CPU load
* @param ramUsage the RAM load
* @param networkUsage the network load
* @param diskUsage the disk load
* @param resourceUtilization resource utilization in the interval {@code [0, 1]}
* @param overheadMillis static overhead in milliseconds
public LoadProfile(LoadEstimate cpuUsage,
LoadEstimate ramUsage,
LoadEstimate networkUsage,
LoadEstimate diskUsage,
double resourceUtilization,
long overheadMillis) {
this.cpuUsage = cpuUsage;
this.ramUsage = ramUsage;
this.networkUsage = networkUsage;
this.diskUsage = diskUsage;
this.overheadMillis = overheadMillis;
this.resourceUtilization = resourceUtilization;
public LoadEstimate getCpuUsage() {
return this.cpuUsage;
public LoadEstimate getRamUsage() {
return this.ramUsage;
public LoadEstimate getNetworkUsage() {
return this.networkUsage;
public LoadEstimate getDiskUsage() {
return this.diskUsage;
public Collection<LoadProfile> getSubprofiles() {
return this.subprofiles;
public void nest(LoadProfile subprofile) {
public long getOverheadMillis() {
return this.overheadMillis;
public void setOverheadMillis(long overheadMillis) {
this.overheadMillis = overheadMillis;
public double getResourceUtilization() {
return resourceUtilization;
public void setResourceUtilization(double resourceUtilization) {
this.resourceUtilization = resourceUtilization;
* Multiplies the values of this instance and nested instances except for the RAM usage, which will not be altered.
* This is to represent this instance occurring sequentially (not simultaneously) {@code n} times.
* @param n the factor to multiply with
* @return the product
public LoadProfile timesSequential(int n) {
if (n == 1) return this;
LoadProfile product = new LoadProfile(
this.networkUsage != null ? this.networkUsage.times(n) : null,
this.diskUsage != null ? this.diskUsage.times(n) : null,
for (LoadProfile subprofile : this.getSubprofiles()) {
return product;
* Adds a this and the given instance.
* @param that the other summand
* @return a new instance representing the sum
public LoadProfile plus(LoadProfile that) {
return new LoadProfile(
LoadEstimate.add(this.cpuUsage, that.cpuUsage),
LoadEstimate.add(this.ramUsage, that.ramUsage),
LoadEstimate.add(this.networkUsage, that.networkUsage),
LoadEstimate.add(this.diskUsage, that.diskUsage),
(this.resourceUtilization + that.resourceUtilization) / 2,
this.overheadMillis + that.overheadMillis
public JSONObject toJson() {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("cpu", JsonSerializables.serialize(this.cpuUsage, false));
json.put("ram", JsonSerializables.serialize(this.ramUsage, false));
json.putOpt("network", JsonSerializables.serialize(this.networkUsage, false));
json.putOpt("disk", JsonSerializables.serialize(this.diskUsage, false));
json.put("utilization", this.resourceUtilization);
json.put("overhead", this.overheadMillis);
return json;
public static LoadProfile fromJson(JSONObject jsonObject) {
return new LoadProfile(
JsonSerializables.deserialize(jsonObject.getJSONObject("cpu"), LoadEstimate.class),
JsonSerializables.deserialize(jsonObject.getJSONObject("ram"), LoadEstimate.class),
JsonSerializables.deserialize(jsonObject.optJSONObject("network"), LoadEstimate.class),
JsonSerializables.deserialize(jsonObject.optJSONObject("disk"), LoadEstimate.class),