tree: dc0434ec0936110e212c5a2d6f3b99ce142dd84d [path history] [tgz]
  1. old_code/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  5. pyproject.toml
  7. setup.cfg


Implementation of a python API for Apache Wayang

Building from source

To build and install pywy as a python library, build is needed. It can be installed using:

cd ./python
pip install --upgrade build

Installing this might require python3.8-venv to be installed on the system.

After building the python package, execute the following steps to make it available for your system:

python3 -m pip install dist/pywy-0.7.1.tar.gz

Executing python code

In order to execute python code, the REST API needs to be running. Compiling the assembly and executing the Main class for the REST API can be done with the following steps:

Before compiling your code, make sure the required configuration variables are set correctly in wayang-api/wayang-api-python/src/main/resources/ This example can be used as a guideline:

wayang.api.python.worker = /var/www/html/python/src/pywy/execution/
wayang.api.python.path = python3
wayang.api.python.env.path = /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages

The first configuration value needs to point to the location of your apache wayang repository so that it can find the python worker that executes UDFs (usually your current work directory + python/src/pypy/execution/ The second value is your command used for invoking python scripts. Usually either python3 or just python. The third value points to the directory in which python libraries are to be found (usually where pip installs them).

  • Package the project
./mvnw clean package -pl :wayang-assembly -Pdistribution
  • Starting the REST API as a background process
cd wayang-assembly/target/
tar -xvf apache-wayang-assembly-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT-incubating-dist.tar.gz
cd wayang-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT
./bin/wayang-submit org.apache.wayang.api.json.Main &

Now, create and execute a python script like this:

from pywy.dataquanta import WayangContext
from import JavaPlugin
from pywy.platforms.spark import SparkPlugin

def word_count():
    ctx = WayangContext() \
        .register({JavaPlugin, SparkPlugin}) \
        .textfile("file:///") \
        .flatmap(lambda w: w.split()) \
        .filter(lambda w: w.strip() != "") \
        .map(lambda w: (w.lower(), 1)) \
        .reduce_by_key(lambda t: t[0], lambda t1, t2: (t1[0], int(t1[1]) + int(t2[1]))) \

if __name__ == "__main__":