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<h1 class="mb-n2 mt-1" style="color: white; font-size: 4em">Publication</h1>
<h2 style="color: white; font-size: 2em">RheemStudio: Cross-Platform Data Analytics Made Easy
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<p class="italic">By <span class="bold">Ji Lucas, Yasser Idris, Bertty Contreras-Rojas, Jorge-Arnulfo Quiané-Ruiz and Sanjay Chawla</span> on <span class="bold">2018</span></p>
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<p>Many of today’s applications need several data processing platforms for complex analytics. Thus, recent systems have taken steps towards supporting cross-platform data analytics. Yet, current cross-platform systems lack of ease-of-use, which is crucial for their adoption. This demo presents RHEEMStudio, a visual IDE on top of RHEEM. It allows users to easily specify their cross-platform data analytic tasks. In this demo, we will demonstrate five main features of RHEEMStudio: drag-and-drop, declarative, interactive, and customized specification of data analytic tasks as well as easy monitoring of tasks. With this in mind, we will consider two real use cases, one from the machine learning world and the second one based on data discovery. During all the demo, the audience will be able to take part and create their own data analytic tasks too.</p>
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