blob: d056b6eb64dda61831a30efdb8288f2b8098ed48 [file] [log] [blame]
rcollate = (list) ->
out = ""
while list.length > 2
line = list.shift()
out += line + ", "
if list.length > 1
out += list[0] + " and " + list[1]
return list[0]
return out
report = (json, state) ->
div = document.createElement('div')
state.widget.inject(div, true)
# Get + write the age of the project, if possible
if json.projectAge == 0
app(div, mk('h3', {}, "We were unable to determine the age of this project, sorry!"))
ageInMonths = parseInt(json.projectAge / (86400*30.3))
ageInYears = parseInt(json.projectAge / (86400*365.25))
age = mk('h3', {}, "Estimated age of project: #{ageInMonths} months (#{ageInYears} years)")
app(div, age)
# Commit rate trends
if ageInYears >= 1
title = mk('h2', {}, "Long range trends:")
app(div, title)
# Commits
stitle = mk('h3', {}, "Commits:")
carr = []
# 5 year commit trend
if ageInYears >= 5
pct = json.commits['5'].angle
rtext = "a rapid decline in commits in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > -50
rtext = "a moderate decline in commits in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > -30
rtext = "a slow decline in commits in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > -10
rtext = "a steady rate of commits in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > 10
rtext = "a slow increase in commits in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > 30
rtext = "a moderate increase in commits in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > 50
rtext = "a strong increase in commits in the long term (5+ years)"
# 2 year commit trend
if ageInYears >= 2
pct = json.commits['2'].angle
rtext = "a rapid decline in commits in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > -50
rtext = "a moderate decline in commits in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > -30
rtext = "a slow decline in commits in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > -10
rtext = "a steady rate of commits in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > 10
rtext = "a slow increase in commits in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > 30
rtext = "a moderate increase in commits in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > 50
rtext = "a strong increase in commits in the medium term (2 years)"
# 1 year commit trend
if ageInYears >= 1
pct = json.commits['1'].angle
rtext = "a rapid decline in commits in the short term (past year)"
if pct > -50
rtext = "a moderate decline in commits in the short term (past year)"
if pct > -30
rtext = "a slow decline in commits in the short term (past year)"
if pct > -10
rtext = "a steady rate of commits in the short term (past year)"
if pct > 10
rtext = "a slow increase in commits in the short term (past year)"
if pct > 30
rtext = "a moderate increase in commits in the short term (past year)"
if pct > 50
rtext = "a strong increase in commits in the short term (past year)"
p = mk('p', {}, "This project has experienced " + rcollate(carr) + ".")
app(div, stitle)
app(div, p)
# Contributors
stitle = mk('h3', {}, "Contributors:")
carr = []
# 5 year commit trend
if ageInYears >= 5
pct = json.authors['5'].authors.angle
rtext = "a rapid decline in contributors in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > -50
rtext = "a moderate decline in contributors in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > -30
rtext = "a slow decline in contributors in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > -10
rtext = "a steady rate of contributors in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > 10
rtext = "a slow increase in contributors in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > 30
rtext = "a moderate increase in contributors in the long term (5+ years)"
if pct > 50
rtext = "a strong increase in contributors in the long term (5+ years)"
# 2 year commit trend
if ageInYears >= 2
pct = json.authors['2'].authors.angle
rtext = "a rapid decline in contributors in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > -50
rtext = "a moderate decline in contributors in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > -30
rtext = "a slow decline in contributors in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > -10
rtext = "a steady rate of contributors in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > 10
rtext = "a slow increase in contributors in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > 30
rtext = "a moderate increase in contributors in the medium term (2 years)"
if pct > 50
rtext = "a strong increase in contributors in the medium term (2 years)"
# 1 year commit trend
if ageInYears >= 1
pct = json.authors['1'].authors.angle
rtext = "a rapid decline in contributors in the short term (past year)"
if pct > -50
rtext = "a moderate decline in contributors in the short term (past year)"
if pct > -30
rtext = "a slow decline in contributors in the short term (past year)"
if pct > -10
rtext = "a steady rate of contributors in the short term (past year)"
if pct > 10
rtext = "a slow increase in contributors in the short term (past year)"
if pct > 30
rtext = "a moderate increase in contributors in the short term (past year)"
if pct > 50
rtext = "a strong increase in contributors in the short term (past year)"
active = parseInt(json.authors['1'].authors.average)
carr.push("currently has #{active} active contributors")
p = mk('p', {}, "The project has had " + rcollate(carr) + ".")
app(div, stitle)
app(div, p)