layout: page displayTitle: Deploy Spark Client Plugin & Configurations title: Deploy Spark Client Plugin & Configurations description: Deploy Spark Client Plugin & Configurations license: | Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

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Deploy Spark Client Plugin & Configurations

Deploy Spark Client Plugin

  1. Add client jar to Spark classpath, e.g. SPARK_HOME/jars/

    The jar for Spark2 is located in <RSS_HOME>/jars/client/spark2/rss-client-spark2-shaded-${version}.jar

    The jar for Spark3 is located in <RSS_HOME>/jars/client/spark3/rss-client-spark3-shaded-${version}.jar

  2. Update Spark conf to enable Uniffle, e.g.

    # Uniffle transmits serialized shuffle data over network, therefore a serializer that supports relocation of
    # serialized object should be used. 
    spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer # this could also be in the spark-defaults.conf
    spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.RssShuffleManager
    spark.rss.coordinator.quorum <coordinatorIp1>:19999,<coordinatorIp2>:19999
    # Note: For Spark2, spark.sql.adaptive.enabled should be false because Spark2 doesn't support AQE.

Support Spark Dynamic Allocation

To support spark dynamic allocation with Uniffle, spark code should be updated. There are 2 patches for spark-2.4.6 and spark-3.1.2 in spark-patches folder for reference.

After apply the patch and rebuild spark, add following configuration in spark conf to enable dynamic allocation:

spark.shuffle.service.enabled false
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true

Support Spark AQE

To improve performance of AQE skew optimization, uniffle introduces the LOCAL_ORDER shuffle-data distribution mechanism and Continuous partition assignment mechanism.

  1. LOCAL_ORDER shuffle-data distribution mechanism filter the lots of data to reduce network bandwidth and shuffle-server local-disk pressure. It will be enabled by default when AQE is enabled.

  2. Continuous partition assignment mechanism assign consecutive partitions to the same ShuffleServer to reduce the frequency of getShuffleResult.

    It can be enabled by the following config

      # Another value is ROUND, it will poll to allocate partitions to ShuffleServer CONTINUOUS
      # Default value is 1.0, used to estimate task concurrency, how likely is this part of the resource between spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors and spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors to be allocated
      --conf spark.rss.estimate.task.concurrency.dynamic.factor=1.0

Since v0.8.0, RssShuffleManager would disable local shuffle reader(set spark.sql.adaptive.localShuffleReader.enabled=false) optimization by default.

Local shuffle reader as its name indicates is suitable and optimized for spark‘s external shuffle service, and shall not be used for remote shuffle service. It would cause many random small IOs and network connections with Uniffle’s shuffle server

Spark Specific Configurations

The important configuration is listed as following.

Property NameDefaultDescription
spark.rss.writer.buffer.spill.size128mBuffer size for total partition data
spark.rss.client.send.size.limit16mThe max data size sent to shuffle server
spark.rss.client.unregister.thread.pool.size10The max size of thread pool of unregistering
spark.rss.client.unregister.request.timeout.sec10The max timeout sec when doing unregister to remote shuffle-servers client use off heap memory to process data option is only valid when the remote storage path is specified. If ture, the remote storage conf will use the client side hadoop configuration loaded from the classpath
spark.rss.hadoop.*-The prefix key for Hadoop conf. For Spark like that: spark.rss.hadoop.fs.defaultFS=hdfs://rbf-x1, this will be as fs.defaultFS=hdfs://rbf-x1 for Hadoop storage

Block id bits

If you observe an error like

Don't support sequenceNo[…], the max value should be …
Don't support partitionId[…], the max value should be …
Don't support taskAttemptId[…], the max value should be …
Observing attempt number … while maxFailures is set to ….
Observing mapIndex[…] that would produce a taskAttemptId with … bits which is larger than the allowed … bits (maxFailures[…], speculation[…]). Please consider providing more bits for taskAttemptIds.
Cannot register shuffle with … partitions because the configured block id layout supports at most … partitions.

you should consider increasing the bits reserved in the blockId for that number / id (while decreasing the other number of bits).

Using the Spark client, configuring the blockId bits is as easy as defining a maximum number of supported partitions only:

Property NameDefaultDescription
spark.rss.blockId.maxPartitions1048576Number of partitions supported by the Spark client ([2..2,147,483,648]).

The Spark client derives the optimal values for the following properties. Alternatively, these properties can be configured instead of spark.rss.blockId.maxPartitions:

Property NameDefaultDescription
spark.rss.blockId.sequenceNoBits18Number of bits reserved in the blockId for the sequence number ([1..31]). Note that sequenceNoBits + partitionIdBits + taskAttemptIdBits has to sum up to 63.
spark.rss.blockId.partitionIdBits24Number of bits reserved in the blockId for the partition id ([1..31]). Note that sequenceNoBits + partitionIdBits + taskAttemptIdBits has to sum up to 63.
spark.rss.blockId.taskAttemptIdBits21Number of bits reserved in the blockId for the task attempt id ([1..31]). Note that sequenceNoBits + partitionIdBits + taskAttemptIdBits has to sum up to 63.

The bits reserved for sequence number, partition id and task attempt id are best specified for Spark clients as follows (done automatically if spark.rss.blockId.maxPartitions is set):

  1. Reserve the bits required to support the largest number of partitions that you anticipate. Pick ceil( log(max number of partitions) / log(2) ) bits. For instance, 20 bits support 1,048,576 partitions.
  2. The number of bits for the task attempt ids should be partitionIdBits + ceil( log(max attempts) / log(2)), where max attempts is set via Spark conf spark.task.maxFailures (default is 4). In the presence of speculative execution enabled via Spark conf spark.speculation (default is false), that max attempts has to be incremented by one. For example: 22 bits is sufficient for taskAttemptIdBits with partitionIdBits=20, and Spark conf spark.task.maxFailures=4 and spark.speculation=false.
  3. Reserve the remaining bits to sequenceNoBits: sequenceNoBits = 63 - partitionIdBits - taskAttemptIdBits.

Block id self management (experimental)

Now, the block id could be managed by the spark driver self when specifying the spark.rss.blockId.selfManagementEnabled=true. And this will reduce shuffle server pressure but significantly increase memory consumption on the Spark driver side.

Adaptive Remote Shuffle Enabling

Currently, this feature only supports Spark.

To select build-in shuffle or remote shuffle in a smart manner, Uniffle support adaptive enabling. The client should use DelegationRssShuffleManager and provide its unique <access_id> so that the coordinator could distinguish whether it should enable remote shuffle.

spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.DelegationRssShuffleManager<access_id> 

Other configuration:

Property NameDefaultDescription
spark.rss.access.timeout.ms10000The timeout to access Uniffle coordinator
spark.rss.client.access.retry.interval.ms20000The interval between retries fallback to SortShuffleManager
spark.rss.client.access.retry.times0The number of retries fallback to SortShuffleManager