tree: 82d970392acadb180b0222891da0639e7b199fc2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. spark/
  2. uniffle/
  4. docker-compose.yml

Example Uniffle/Spark docker cluster

This example creates a docker cluster consisting of

  • two coordinators
  • three shuffle servers
  • one Spark master
  • two Spark workers

Build the docker images

First build the needed docker images:


Start the docker cluster

Then start the cluster:

docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml up
[+] Running 8/0
 ✔ Container rss-coordinator-1     Created                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-coordinator-2     Created                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-1  Created                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-2  Created                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-3  Created                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-master-1    Created                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-1    Created                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-2    Created                                                     0.0s

Scale the docker cluster

You can scale up and down this cluster, easily.

Let's scale the shuffle servers up from 3 to 4, and the Spark workers from 2 to 4:

docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml scale shuffle-server=4 spark-worker=4
[+] Running 11/11
 ✔ Container rss-coordinator-1     Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-coordinator-2     Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-1  Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-2  Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-3  Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-4  Started                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-master-1    Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-1    Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-2    Running                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-3    Started                                                     0.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-4    Started                                                     0.0s

Use the Spark cluster

Start a Spark shell on the cluster:

docker exec -it rss-spark-master-1 /opt/spark/bin/spark-shell \
  --master spark://rss-spark-master-1:7077 \
  --conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer \
  --conf spark.shuffle.manager=org.apache.spark.shuffle.RssShuffleManager \
  --conf spark.rss.coordinator.quorum=rss-coordinator-1:19999,rss-coordinator-2:19999 \
  --conf \
  --conf spark.speculation=true

You can view the Spark master UI at http://localhost:8080/

The following example runs a job where

  • task two fails several times
  • task four observes the execution of a speculative attempt
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

// fails iteration (at the end) or delays iteration (each element)
// failing tasks negates iterator values, shuffle data of failing task must not leak into next stage
case class FaultyIterator(it: Iterator[java.lang.Long], fail: Boolean, sleep: Option[Int]) extends Iterator[java.lang.Long] {
  override def hasNext: Boolean = it.hasNext || fail
  override def next(): java.lang.Long = {
    // delay iteration if requested
    if (sleep.isDefined) {
      val start = System.nanoTime()
      while (start + sleep.get >= System.nanoTime()) { }

    // fail at the end if requested
    if (fail && !it.hasNext) throw new RuntimeException()

    // just iterate
    if (fail) {
    } else {

// we fail task two 3 times and delay task four so we see a speculative execution
val result = (
  spark.range(0, 10000000, 1, 100)
       .mapPartitions { it => {
         val ctx = TaskContext.get()
           ctx.partitionId == 2 && ctx.attemptNumber < 3,
           Some(ctx.partitionId == 4).filter(v => v).map(_ => 250000)
       .groupBy(($"value" / 1000000).cast("int"))
       .as[Long, Long]
       .mapGroups{(id, it) => (id, it.length)}

We can compare the result with the expected outcome:

assert(result.sameElements(Array((0,1000000), (1,1000000), (2,1000000), (3,1000000), (4,1000000), (5,1000000), (6,1000000), (7,1000000), (8,1000000), (9,1000000))))

Stop the docker cluster

Finally, stop the cluster:

docker compose -f deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml down
[+] Running 12/12
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-1  Removed                                                    10.5s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-2  Removed                                                    10.7s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-3  Removed                                                    10.5s
 ✔ Container rss-shuffle-server-4  Removed                                                    10.6s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-1    Removed                                                     0.8s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-2    Removed                                                     1.0s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-3    Removed                                                     0.9s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-worker-4    Removed                                                     1.1s
 ✔ Container rss-spark-master-1    Removed                                                     1.6s
 ✔ Container rss-coordinator-1     Removed                                                    10.4s
 ✔ Container rss-coordinator-2     Removed                                                    10.5s
 ✔ Network rss_default             Removed                                                     0.4s


This example needs docker to be installed.