tree: 27418950dd95cc4588966394d007ce21f04be25b [path history] [tgz]
  1. .cargo/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  5. Cargo.lock
  6. Cargo.toml
  8. rust-toolchain.toml
  9. rustfmt.toml

Another implementation of Apache Uniffle shuffle server (Single binary, no extra dependencies)

Benchmark report


Software: Uniffle 0.8.0 / Hadoop 3.2.2 / Spark 3.1.2

Hardware: Machine 96 cores, 512G memory, 1T * 4 SSD, network bandwidth 8GB/s

Hadoop Yarn Cluster: 1 * ResourceManager + 40 * NodeManager, every machine 4T * 4 HDD

Uniffle Cluster: 1 * Coordinator + 1 * Shuffle Server, every machine 1T * 4 NVME SSD


spark's conf

spark.executor.instances 400
spark.executor.cores 1
spark.executor.memory 2g
spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.RssShuffleManager MEMORY_LOCALFILE

uniffle grpc-based server's conf


# JDK11 + G1 

rss.server.buffer.capacity 10g 10g
rss.server.flush.thread.alive 10
rss.server.flush.threadPool.size 50
rss.server.high.watermark.write 80
rss.server.low.watermark.write 70

Rust-based shuffle-server conf

store_type = "MEMORY_LOCALFILE"

capacity = "10G"

data_paths = ["/data1/uniffle", "/data2/uniffle", "/data3/uniffle", "/data4/uniffle"]
healthy_check_min_disks = 0

memory_spill_high_watermark = 0.8
memory_spill_low_watermark = 0.7

TeraSort cost times

type/buffer capacity250G (compressed)comment
vanilla spark ess5.0min (2.2/2.8)ess use 400 nodes but uniffle only one. But the rss speed is still fast!
vanilla uniffle (grpc-based) / 10g5.3min (2.3m/3m)1.9G/s
vanilla uniffle (grpc-based) / 300g5.6min (3.7m/1.9m)GC occurs frequently / 2.5G/s
vanilla uniffle (netty-based) / 10g/read failed. 2.5G/s (write is better due to zero copy)
vanilla uniffle (netty-based) / 300g/app hang
rust based shuffle server / 10g4.6min (2.2m/2.4m)2.4 G/s
rust based shuffle server / 300g4min (1.5m/2.5m)3.5 G/s

Compared with grpc based server, rust-based server has less memory footprint and stable performance.

And Netty is still not stable for production env.

In the future, rust-based server will use io_uring mechanism to improve writing performance.


cargo build --release --features hdfs,jemalloc

Uniffle-x currently treats all compiler warnings as error, with some dead-code warning excluded. When you are developing and really want to ignore the warnings for now, you can use ccargo --config 'build.rustflags=["-W", "warnings"]' build to restore the default behavior. However, before submit your pr, you should fix all the warnings.


config.toml as follows:

store_type = "MEMORY_LOCALFILE"
grpc_port = 21100
coordinator_quorum = ["xxxxxxx1", "xxxxxxx2]
tags = ["uniffle-worker"]

capacity = "100G"

data_paths = ["/data1/uniffle", "/data2/uniffle"]
healthy_check_min_disks = 0

max_concurrency = 10

memory_spill_high_watermark = 0.8
memory_spill_low_watermark = 0.2
memory_single_buffer_max_spill_size = "256M"

http_port = 19998
push_gateway_endpoint = "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/pushgateway"


WORKER_IP={ip} RUST_LOG=info WORKER_CONFIG_PATH=./config.toml ./uniffle-worker

HDFS Setup

Benefit from the hdfs-native crate, there is no need to setup the JAVA_HOME and relative dependencies. If HDFS store is valid, the spark client must specify the conf of

cargo build --features hdfs --release
# configure the kerberos and conf env
HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf KRB5_CONFIG=/etc/krb5.conf KRB5CCNAME=/tmp/krb5cc_2002 LOG=info ./uniffle-worker


Tokio console

  1. build with unstable tokio for uniffle-worker binary (this has been enabled by default)
    cargo build
  2. worker run with tokio-console. the log level of trace must be enabled
    WORKER_IP={ip} RUST_LOG=trace ./uniffle-worker -c ./config.toml 
  3. tokio-console client side connect
    tokio-console http://{uniffle-worker-host}:21002

Heap profiling

  1. build with profile support
    cargo build --release --features memory-prof
  2. Start with profile
    _RJEM_MALLOC_CONF=prof:true,prof_prefix:jeprof.out ./uniffle-worker

CPU Profiling

  1. build with jemalloc feature

    cargo build --release --features jemalloc
  2. Paste following command to get cpu profile flamegraph

    go tool pprof -http="" http://{remote_ip}:8080/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30
    • localhost:8080: riffle server.
    • remote_ip: pprof server address.
    • seconds=30: Profiling lasts for 30 seconds.

    Then open the URL :8081/ui/flamegraph in your browser to view the flamegraph: