layout: tutorial title: Ethereum Faucet description: Ethereum Faucet group: nav-right previous: categories: [applications]

The eth-faucet application is an Ethereum faucet that runs alongside an Ethereum client. The faucet allows to distribute funds.

The faucet works with a configuration file, application.yml. Here is a template of the file:

{%highlight yaml%} server: use-forward-headers: true forward-headers-strategy: native spring: main: banner-mode: “off” security: oauth2: client: registration: github: clientId: clientSecret: html: title: Faucet request_message: Welcome to our faucet. You can ask for up to 1 ETH on this faucet.

security: oauth2: client: preEstablishedRedirectUri: registeredRedirectUri: useCurrentUri: false

faucet: maxETH: <the maximum amount of eth, in ETH, that you> chainId: rpcPort: rpcHost:

wallet: path: wallet.key banner: > Apache Tuweni Faucet example.

     :yds/.        ./sdy:
   :mh:                :hm:
 `ym:                    :my`
 hm`                      `mh
+N.                        .N+
my :ydh/              /hdy- ym
Mo`MMMMM`            .MMMMN oM
my /hdh/              +hdh: ym
+N.                        .N+
 hm`              `m:     `mh
 `ym:    `sssssssssN:    :my`
   :dh:   ``````````   :hd:
     :yds/.        ./sdy:


You should register a Github OAuth application to go along and fill the template.