tree: 3b9f66d8a52f1dcfffc18763656d48a5af005b9c [path history] [tgz]
  2. workflow-basics.svg


Several projects at the Apache Software Foundation are using Git and GitHub for their daily business. However not all potential contributors are comfortable using that toolset - or are aware of how deep their knowledge of that tooling is.

This directory contains small challenges that can help gauge interest in learning more about Git and GitHub: One example use case would be printing the challenges and putting them in a location where people have time for reading and chatting - think of your closest coffee machine. Alternatively regularly post one in your organisation's favourite chat system.

Solution phrases

The following are the expected phrases for each of the puzzles. To avoid spoilers they have been ROT13 encoded.

Solution for workflow-basics

Words/ phrases are top to bottom, first left column then right column

hcfgernz chfu hcfgernz pbzzvg nqq fgnfu cbc hcfgernz znfgre chyy pybar chyy srgpu erireg urnq fgnfu bpgbpng