tree: 1c7f37e369b27c9c06d28a65fbce868112431cf5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. libs/
  2. src/
  3. pom.xml

Apache ZooKeeper

This directory contains a brief introduction into Apache ZooKeeper.

Building the presentation

By running the following command, you can generate the presentation:

mvn clean package

Running the presentation

In order to start a local web server serving the presentation (English translation), execute the following command:

mvn jetty:run-exploded

(The selected language is configurable in the <configuration><war> element of the jetty plugin in pom.xml.)

As soon as that's done, just point your browser to:


Generating PDF versions

In order to generate a PDF version of the presentation just add ?print-pdf to the url. (Keep in mind, that you have to add it before any #blahblah)

The following link should do the trick:


As soon as that's loaded, just use the normal print functionality of the browser and print as PDF.