layout: doc title: FAQ type: doc section: user weight: 50 tagline: Apache Project !

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How do I access Apache Spark?

You can access Spark through a SparkContext which is created by Apache Toree when the kernel starts. You can access the context through the sc variable.

How do I add a jar?

Jars are added through the AddJar magic. You simply need to supply an URL for the jar to be added.


For more information about the AddJar magic see the Magic Tutorial Notebook.

How do I add a library/dependency?

Dependencies stored in repositories can be added through the AddDeps magic. An example usage would be:

%AddDeps artifact-id version

If the dependency you are trying to add has transitive dependencies, you can add the --transitive flag to add those dependencies as well. For more information about the AddDeps magic see the Magic Tutorial Notebook.

How do I visualize data?

The most straightforward way to add data visualization with Apache Toree is through the Jupyter Declarative Widgets project.

How do I create dashboards with interactive widgets?

Notebooks can be changed into dashboards through the Jupyter Dashboards project. This project allows you to use Jupyter Declarative Widgets in your dashboards.