How to Run

config.toml contains all the runtime configurations.

First of all, please refer to the build prerequisite document for Intel Attestation Service (IAS) registration. Once obtained the IAS TLS communication IAS SPID and Keys, please put their paths in the ias_client_config section of config.toml.

The api_endpoints and internal_endpoints of config.toml specify the listening IPs and ports of MesaTEE services. Please configure them accordingly.

Then, please set SPID and key (either primary or secondary) from Intel Trusted Service API portal by export IAS_KEY=YOUR_KEY && export IAS_SPID=YOUR_SPID. Next, please edit config.toml to tell MesaTEE where to find IAS API key and SPID:

spid = { env = "IAS_SPID" }
key = { env = "IAS_KEY" }

Afterwards, you can launch MesaTEE services as background daemons by running: ./ {start|stop|restart}

SGX Simulation Mode

You can change -DSGX_MODE=HW to -DSGX_MODE=SW when running cmake to enable SGX simulation mode (make clean && make required). In the simulation mode, MesaTEE won't really connect to IAS to fetch reports, nor perform remote attestation during the TLS communications. So basically it enables you to freely run on arbitrary platforms to test the functionalities.