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Development Tips

RLS/rust-analyzer and IDEs

The most common question on developing Teaclave is how to use Rust IDEs to improve the development experience, e.g., code completions, type hints and cross references. Internally, these features are supported by either RLS or rust-analyzer. Unfortunately, these features are not supported in Teaclave's codebase out-of-box. The reason is that Teaclave has components targeting different environments (SGX enclave and Linux app) which need different set of dependencies (SGX crates and vanilla crates). To support this flexible building and linking process, we are using cmake for our build system. However, there are still ways to workaround and let the analyzer understand the project structures.

When developing SGX enclaves and corresponding dependent crates, you need to prepare a Cargo.toml in the root directory to help the analyzer. This Cargo.toml file can be copied from our build system: cmake/tomls/Cargo.sgx_trusted_lib.toml. Similarly, when developing the app parts, you can copy the cmake/tomls/Cargo.sgx_untrusted_lib.toml file to the root directory as Cargo.toml. For standalone Rust applications such as CLI, no Cargo.toml is needed. After the preparation of Cargo.toml in root, RLS/rust-analyzer can understand the projects finally. You will see type hints and cross references using IDEs with extensions.