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Welcome to the Teaclave community. Here are several ways that you can get involved.

Mailing Lists

We have a few mailing lists hosted by Apache:

  • A list for discussion on Teaclave development including design proposal, release announcements, meetup schedules, and commnity voting, etc. [Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Archive]
  • Commit activities for all projects. [Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Archive]

To subscribe or unsubscribe a mailing list, just send a blank email with any subject to one of above address with the -subscribe or -unsubscribe suffix. For example, send an email to (or to subscribe (or unsubscribe) the dev mailing list.


Connect directly with Teaclave community members in Discord. [Join]

GitHub Issues

You can also ask questions, propose features, and report bugs in Teaclave's GitHub issues. Watch the project on GitHub to receive latest updates.


Follow @ApacheTeaclave for latest news.


Teaclave is open source in The Apache Way, we aim to create a project that is maintained and owned by the community. All kinds of contributions are welcome. Read this document to learn more about how to contribute. Huge thanks to our contributors.

Event Calendar

The Teaclave community organizes a number of public events, including monthly general online meetups. You can subscribe to the public events calendar.

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take a very active stance in eliminating security problems in Teaclave. We strongly encourage folks to report such problems to our private mailing list first (, before disclosing them in a public forum.