blob: 8d1ba05bd88317703fc4875c452f6a7db12e609a [file] [log] [blame]
initSidebarItems({"attr":[["ta_close_session","Attribute to declare the entry point of closing a session. Session context raw pointer (`*mut T`) can be defined as an optional parameter."],["ta_create","Attribute to declare the entry point of creating TA."],["ta_destroy","Attribute to declare the entry point of destroying TA."],["ta_invoke_command","Attribute to declare the entry point of invoking commands. Session context reference (`&mut T`) can be defined as an optional parameter."],["ta_open_session","Attribute to declare the entry point of opening a session. Pointer to session context pointer (*mut *mut T) can be defined as an optional parameter."]],"enum":[["ErrorKind","A list specifying general categories of TEE error and its corresponding code in OP-TEE OS."],["ParamType",""]],"macro":[["trace_print","Macro for printing to the trace output, without a newline."],["trace_println","Macro for printing to the trace output, with a newline. Use the `format!` syntax to write data to the standard output. See `std::fmt` for more information."]],"mod":[["arithmetical",""],["crypto_op",""],["extension",""],["net",""],["object",""],["time",""],["trace",""],["uuid",""]],"struct":[["Error",""],["ParamTypes",""],["Parameter",""],["Parameters",""]],"type":[["Result","A specialized `Result` type for TEE operations."]]});