blob: 9f651982e2a563e29a16f790fd5cff7b8eac89da [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Host","The host name of an URL."],["Origin","The origin of an URL"],["ParseError","Errors that can occur during parsing."],["Position","Indicates a position within a URL based on its components."],["SyntaxViolation","Non-fatal syntax violations that can occur during parsing."]],"struct":[["OpaqueOrigin","Opaque identifier for URLs that have file or other schemes"],["ParseOptions","Full configuration for the URL parser."],["PathSegmentsMut","Exposes methods to manipulate the path of an URL that is not cannot-be-base."],["Url","A parsed URL record."],["UrlQuery","Implementation detail of `Url::query_pairs_mut`. Typically not used directly."]],"type":[["EncodingOverride",""]]};