blob: 0fc45c2d0c2ecf533ad74aac3942dddce70bda64 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"macro":[["identify_callsite","Statically constructs an `Identifier` for the provided `Callsite`."],["metadata","Statically constructs new span metadata."]],"mod":[["callsite","Callsites represent the source locations from which spans or events originate."],["dispatcher","Dispatches trace events to [`Subscriber`]s."],["event","Events represent single points in time during the execution of a program."],["field","`Span` and `Event` key-value data."],["metadata","Metadata describing trace data."],["span","Spans represent periods of time in the execution of a program."],["subscriber","Collectors collect and record trace data."]],"struct":[["Dispatch","`Dispatch` trace data to a [`Subscriber`]."],["Event","`Event`s represent single points in time where something occurred during the execution of a program."],["Field","An opaque key allowing O(1) access to a field in a `Span`’s key-value data."],["Level","Describes the level of verbosity of a span or event."],["LevelFilter","A filter comparable to a verbosity [`Level`]."],["Metadata","Metadata describing a span or event."],["Once","A synchronization primitive which can be used to run a one-time global initialization. Useful for one-time initialization for FFI or related functionality. This type can only be constructed with [`Once::new()`]."]],"trait":[["Callsite","Trait implemented by callsites."],["Subscriber","Trait representing the functions required to collect trace data."]]};