blob: 80a87039c663c6fe4cdd171e740b71f7c355ba5e [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Entry","A view into a single location in a `MetadataMap`, which may be vacant or occupied."],["KeyAndMutValueRef","Reference to a key and an associated value in a `MetadataMap`. It can point to either an ascii or a binary (“*-bin”) key."],["KeyAndValueRef","Reference to a key and an associated value in a `MetadataMap`. It can point to either an ascii or a binary (“*-bin”) key."],["KeyRef","Reference to a key in a `MetadataMap`. It can point to either an ascii or a binary (“*-bin”) key."],["ValueRef","Reference to a value in a `MetadataMap`. It can point to either an ascii or a binary (“*-bin” key) value."],["ValueRefMut","Reference to a value in a `MetadataMap`. It can point to either an ascii or a binary (“*-bin” key) value."]],"mod":[["errors","The metadata::errors module contains types for errors that can occur while handling gRPC custom metadata."]],"struct":[["GetAll","A view to all values stored in a single entry."],["Iter","`MetadataMap` entry iterator."],["IterMut","`MetadataMap` entry iterator."],["Keys","An iterator over `MetadataMap` keys."],["MetadataKey","Represents a custom metadata field name."],["MetadataMap","A set of gRPC custom metadata entries."],["MetadataValue","Represents a custom metadata field value."],["OccupiedEntry","A view into a single occupied location in a `MetadataMap`."],["VacantEntry","A view into a single empty location in a `MetadataMap`."],["ValueDrain","A drain iterator of all values associated with a single metadata key."],["ValueIter","An iterator of all values associated with a single metadata key."],["Values","`MetadataMap` value iterator."],["ValuesMut","`MetadataMap` value iterator."]],"type":[["AsciiMetadataKey","An ascii metadata key."],["AsciiMetadataValue","An ascii metadata value."],["BinaryMetadataKey","A binary metadata key."],["BinaryMetadataValue","A binary metadata value."]]};