blob: e42cf839da79583a5fa03da942596cd249d55313 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Error","A unified error type for anything returned by a method in the time crate."],["Format","An error occurred when formatting."],["InvalidFormatDescription","The format description provided was not valid."],["Parse","An error that occurred at some stage of parsing."],["ParseFromDescription","An error that occurred while parsing the input into a `Parsed` struct."],["TryFromParsed","An error that occurred when converting a `Parsed` to another type."]],"struct":[["ComponentRange","An error type indicating that a component provided to a method was out of range, causing a failure."],["ConversionRange","An error type indicating that a conversion failed because the target type could not store the initial value."],["DifferentVariant","An error type indicating that a `TryFrom` call failed because the original value was of a different variant."],["InvalidVariant","An error type indicating that a `FromStr` call failed because the value was not a valid variant."]]};