blob: b040ca6b1ebd965155afefe1d96736250abd7b55 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["AttestationConfig","Remote attestation configuration"],["AttestationError","Errors that can happen during attestation and verification process"]],"mod":[["key","This module implements ECDSA (NIST P-256 curve) keys related functions. You can export private key to a DER format or create a certificate with extension for TLS-based remote attestation."],["report","Types that contain information about attestation report. The implementation is based on Attestation Service API version 4."],["verifier","This module provides types used to verify attestation reports."]],"struct":[["AttestationServiceConfig","Attestation Service Configuration"],["AttestedTlsConfig","Configuration for TLS communication in Remote Attestation"],["DcapConfig",""],["EndorsedAttestationReport","AttestationReport can be endorsed by either the Intel Attestation Service using EPID or Data Center Attestation Service (platform dependent) using ECDSA."],["RemoteAttestation",""]]};