blob: 707757feb710eb334ab294f7a3d8396615a2d441 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["VERSION","The API version of this crate."]],"enum":[["Error","An error that occurred while using a finite state transducer."]],"struct":[["Builder","A builder for creating a finite state transducer."],["Chain","A stream of chaining multiple fst streams in added order."],["Difference","A stream of set difference over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order."],["Fst","An acyclic deterministic finite state transducer."],["IndexedValue","A value indexed by a stream."],["Intersection","A stream of set intersection over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order."],["Node","Node represents a single state in a finite state transducer."],["OpBuilder","A builder for collecting fst streams on which to perform set operations on the keys of fsts."],["Output","An output is a value that is associated with a key in a finite state transducer."],["Stream","Stream of `key, value` not exposing the state of the automaton."],["StreamBuilder","A builder for constructing range queries on streams."],["StreamWithState","A lexicographically ordered stream from an fst of key-value pairs along with the state of the automaton."],["StreamWithStateBuilder","A builder for constructing range queries of streams that returns results along with automaton states."],["SymmetricDifference","A stream of set symmetric difference over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order."],["Transition","A transition from one note to another."],["Transitions","An iterator over all transitions in a node."],["Union","A stream of set union over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order."]],"type":[["CompiledAddr","CompiledAddr is the type used to address nodes in a finite state transducer."],["FstType","FstType is a convention used to indicate the type of the underlying transducer."]]};