blob: 2a84c83d73fc38030923b8dcc9acb52ca8a12c70 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["TERMINATED","Sentinel value returned when a [`DocSet`] has been entirely consumed."]],"enum":[["DatePrecision","DateTime Precision"],["Executor","Search executor whether search request are single thread or multithread."],["Order","The order to sort by"],["ReloadPolicy","Defines when a new version of the index should be reloaded."],["SegmentComponent","Enum describing each component of a tantivy segment. Each component is stored in its own file, using the pattern `segment_uuid`.`component_extension`, except the delete component that takes an `segment_uuid`.`delete_opstamp`.`component_extension`"],["UserOperation","UserOperation is an enum type that encapsulates other operation types."]],"fn":[["demux","Demux the segments according to `demux_mapping`. See `DemuxMapping`. The number of output_directories need to match max new segment ordinal from `demux_mapping`."],["f64_to_u64","Maps a `f64` to `u64`"],["i64_to_u64","Maps a `i64` to `u64`"],["u64_to_f64","Reverse the mapping given by [`f64_to_u64()`]."],["u64_to_i64","Reverse the mapping given by [`i64_to_u64()`]."],["version","Expose the current version of tantivy as found in Cargo.toml during compilation. eg. “0.11.0” as well as the compression scheme used in the docstore."],["version_string","Exposes the complete version of tantivy as found in Cargo.toml during compilation as a string. eg. “tantivy v0.11.0, index_format v1, store_compression: lz4”."]],"macro":[["doc","`doc!` is a shortcut that helps building `Document` objects."]],"mod":[["aggregation","Aggregations"],["collector","Collectors"],["directory","WORM (Write Once Read Many) directory abstraction."],["error","Definition of Tantivy’s errors and results."],["fastfield","Column oriented field storage for tantivy."],["fieldnorm","The fieldnorm represents the length associated with a given Field of a given document."],["merge_policy","Defines tantivy’s merging strategy"],["positions","Tantivy can (if instructed to do so in the schema) store the term positions in a given field. This position is expressed as token ordinal. For instance, In “The beauty and the beast”, the term “the” appears in position 0 and position 3. This information is useful to run phrase queries."],["postings","Postings module (also called inverted index)"],["query","Module containing the different query implementations."],["schema","Schema definition for tantivy’s indices."],["space_usage","Representations for the space usage of various parts of a Tantivy index."],["store","Compressed/slow/row-oriented storage for documents."],["termdict","The term dictionary main role is to associate the sorted `Term`s to a `TermInfo` struct that contains some meta-information about the term."],["tokenizer","Tokenizer are in charge of chopping text into a stream of tokens ready for indexing."]],"struct":[["DateOptions","Defines how DateTime field should be handled by tantivy."],["DateTime","A date/time value with microsecond precision."],["DemuxMapping","DemuxMapping can be used to reorganize data from multiple segments."],["DocAddress","`DocAddress` contains all the necessary information to identify a document given a `Searcher` object."],["DocIdToSegmentOrdinal","DocIdToSegmentOrdinal maps from doc_id within a segment to the new segment ordinal for demuxing."],["Document","Tantivy’s Document is the object that can be indexed and then searched for."],["FutureResult","`FutureResult` is a handle that makes it possible to wait for the completion of an ongoing task."],["Index","Search Index"],["IndexBuilder","IndexBuilder can be used to create an index."],["IndexMeta","Meta information about the `Index`."],["IndexReader","`IndexReader` is your entry point to read and search the index."],["IndexReaderBuilder","[`IndexReader`] builder"],["IndexSettings","Search Index Settings."],["IndexSortByField","Settings to presort the documents in an index"],["IndexWriter","`IndexWriter` is the user entry-point to add document to an index."],["Inventory","The `Inventory` register and keeps track of all of the objects alive."],["InvertedIndexReader","The inverted index reader is in charge of accessing the inverted index associated with a specific field."],["PreparedCommit","A prepared commit"],["Searcher","Holds a list of `SegmentReader`s ready for search."],["SearcherGeneration","Identifies the searcher generation accessed by a [`Searcher`]."],["Segment","A segment is a piece of the index."],["SegmentId","Uuid identifying a segment."],["SegmentMeta","`SegmentMeta` contains simple meta information about a segment."],["SegmentReader","Entry point to access all of the datastructures of the `Segment`"],["Snippet","`Snippet` Contains a fragment of a document, and some highlighted parts inside it."],["SnippetGenerator","`SnippetGenerator`"],["Term","Term represents the value that the token can take."],["TrackedObject","Your tracked object."],["Version","Structure version for the index."]],"trait":[["Directory","Write-once read many (WORM) abstraction for where tantivy’s data should be stored."],["DocSet","Represents an iterable set of sorted doc ids."],["HasLen","Has length trait"],["Postings","Postings (also called inverted list)"],["Warmer","`Warmer` can be used to maintain segment-level state e.g. caches."]],"type":[["DocId","A `u32` identifying a document within a segment. Documents have their `DocId` assigned incrementally, as they are added in the segment."],["Opstamp","A u64 assigned to every operation incrementally"],["Result","Tantivy result."],["Score","A Score that represents the relevance of the document to the query"],["SegmentOrdinal","A `SegmentOrdinal` identifies a segment, within a `Searcher` or `Merger`."]]};