blob: 2de6f79d7f27a79a21c912c7170691a01e5dfbfc [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["InterfaceIndexOrAddress","A local interface specified by its index or an address assigned to it."]],"struct":[["Domain","Specification of the communication domain for a socket."],["MaybeUninitSlice","A version of `IoSliceMut` that allows the buffer to be uninitialised."],["Protocol","Protocol specification used for creating sockets via `Socket::new`."],["RecvFlags","Flags for incoming messages."],["SockAddr","The address of a socket."],["SockRef","A reference to a [`Socket`] that can be used to configure socket types other than the `Socket` type itself."],["Socket","Owned wrapper around a system socket."],["TcpKeepalive","Configures a socket’s TCP keepalive parameters."],["Type","Specification of communication semantics on a socket."]]};