blob: 5f33253cf93c5c2b36513567fb5f2d5b86fc7f80 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["argmax","Find argmax of slice."],["argmin","Find argmin of slice."],["dot","Compute dot product of two slices."],["ele_div","Computes elementwise division."],["ele_mul","Computes elementwise multiplication."],["find","Find index of value in slice."],["in_place_vec_bin_op","Vectorized binary operation applied to two slices. The first argument should be a mutable slice which will be modified in place to prevent new memory allocation."],["unrolled_sum","Unrolled sum"],["vec_bin_op","Vectorized binary operation applied to two slices."],["vec_sub","Compute vector difference two slices."],["vec_sum","Compute vector sum of two slices."]]};