blob: 210962b1cfb6b968da468a0b2e1467387a636c91 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"struct":[["Chunks","Parallel iterator over immutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice"],["ChunksExact","Parallel iterator over immutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice"],["ChunksExactMut","Parallel iterator over mutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice"],["ChunksMut","Parallel iterator over mutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice"],["Iter","Parallel iterator over immutable items in a slice"],["IterMut","Parallel iterator over mutable items in a slice"],["RChunks","Parallel iterator over immutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice, starting at the end."],["RChunksExact","Parallel iterator over immutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice, starting at the end."],["RChunksExactMut","Parallel iterator over mutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice, starting at the end."],["RChunksMut","Parallel iterator over mutable non-overlapping chunks of a slice, starting at the end."],["Split","Parallel iterator over slices separated by a predicate"],["SplitMut","Parallel iterator over mutable slices separated by a predicate"],["Windows","Parallel iterator over immutable overlapping windows of a slice"]],"trait":[["ParallelSlice","Parallel extensions for slices."],["ParallelSliceMut","Parallel extensions for mutable slices."]]};