blob: 6b13fac059a78eddd33440368996a3e77b1d72bb [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["FloatErrorKind",""]],"fn":[["abs","Computes the absolute value."],["abs_sub","The positive difference of two numbers."],["cast","Cast from one machine scalar to another."],["checked_pow","Raises a value to the power of exp, returning `None` if an overflow occurred."],["clamp","A value bounded by a minimum and a maximum"],["clamp_max","A value bounded by a maximum value"],["clamp_min","A value bounded by a minimum value"],["one","Returns the multiplicative identity, `1`."],["pow","Raises a value to the power of exp, using exponentiation by squaring."],["signum","Returns the sign of the number."],["zero","Returns the additive identity, `0`."]],"mod":[["bounds",""],["cast",""],["float",""],["identities",""],["int",""],["ops",""],["pow",""],["real",""],["sign",""]],"struct":[["ParseFloatError",""]],"trait":[["AsPrimitive","A generic interface for casting between machine scalars with the `as` operator, which admits narrowing and precision loss. Implementers of this trait `AsPrimitive` should behave like a primitive numeric type (e.g. a newtype around another primitive), and the intended conversion must never fail."],["Bounded","Numbers which have upper and lower bounds"],["CheckedAdd","Performs addition that returns `None` instead of wrapping around on overflow."],["CheckedDiv","Performs division that returns `None` instead of panicking on division by zero and instead of wrapping around on underflow and overflow."],["CheckedEuclid",""],["CheckedMul","Performs multiplication that returns `None` instead of wrapping around on underflow or overflow."],["CheckedNeg","Performs negation that returns `None` if the result can’t be represented."],["CheckedRem","Performs an integral remainder that returns `None` instead of panicking on division by zero and instead of wrapping around on underflow and overflow."],["CheckedShl","Performs a left shift that returns `None` on shifts larger than the type width."],["CheckedShr","Performs a right shift that returns `None` on shifts larger than the type width."],["CheckedSub","Performs subtraction that returns `None` instead of wrapping around on underflow."],["Euclid",""],["Float","Generic trait for floating point numbers"],["FloatConst",""],["FromPrimitive","A generic trait for converting a number to a value."],["Inv","Unary operator for retrieving the multiplicative inverse, or reciprocal, of a value."],["MulAdd","Fused multiply-add. Computes `(self * a) + b` with only one rounding error, yielding a more accurate result than an unfused multiply-add."],["MulAddAssign","The fused multiply-add assignment operation."],["Num","The base trait for numeric types, covering `0` and `1` values, comparisons, basic numeric operations, and string conversion."],["NumAssign","The trait for `Num` types which also implement assignment operators."],["NumAssignOps","Generic trait for types implementing numeric assignment operators (like `+=`)."],["NumAssignRef","The trait for `NumAssign` types which also implement assignment operations taking the second operand by reference."],["NumCast","An interface for casting between machine scalars."],["NumOps","Generic trait for types implementing basic numeric operations"],["NumRef","The trait for `Num` types which also implement numeric operations taking the second operand by reference."],["One","Defines a multiplicative identity element for `Self`."],["Pow","Binary operator for raising a value to a power."],["PrimInt","Generic trait for primitive integers."],["RefNum","The trait for `Num` references which implement numeric operations, taking the second operand either by value or by reference."],["Saturating","Saturating math operations. Deprecated, use `SaturatingAdd`, `SaturatingSub` and `SaturatingMul` instead."],["SaturatingAdd","Performs addition that saturates at the numeric bounds instead of overflowing."],["SaturatingMul","Performs multiplication that saturates at the numeric bounds instead of overflowing."],["SaturatingSub","Performs subtraction that saturates at the numeric bounds instead of overflowing."],["Signed","Useful functions for signed numbers (i.e. numbers that can be negative)."],["ToPrimitive","A generic trait for converting a value to a number."],["Unsigned","A trait for values which cannot be negative"],["WrappingAdd","Performs addition that wraps around on overflow."],["WrappingMul","Performs multiplication that wraps around on overflow."],["WrappingNeg","Performs a negation that does not panic."],["WrappingShl","Performs a left shift that does not panic."],["WrappingShr","Performs a right shift that does not panic."],["WrappingSub","Performs subtraction that wraps around on overflow."],["Zero","Defines an additive identity element for `Self`."]]};