blob: 977122de2b86ded5b16d12302c09b0d5216607bc [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["ColorType","An enumeration over supported color types and bit depths"],["DynamicImage","A Dynamic Image"],["ExtendedColorType","An enumeration of color types encountered in image formats."],["ImageFormat","An enumeration of supported image formats. Not all formats support both encoding and decoding."],["ImageOutputFormat","An enumeration of supported image formats for encoding."]],"fn":[["guess_format","Guess image format from memory block"],["image_dimensions","Read the dimensions of the image located at the specified path. This is faster than fully loading the image and then getting its dimensions."],["load","Create a new image from a Reader"],["load_from_memory","Create a new image from a byte slice"],["load_from_memory_with_format","Create a new image from a byte slice"],["open","Open the image located at the path specified. The image’s format is determined from the path’s file extension."],["save_buffer","Saves the supplied buffer to a file at the path specified."],["save_buffer_with_format","Saves the supplied buffer to a file at the path specified in the specified format."]],"mod":[["buffer","Iterators and other auxiliary structure for the `ImageBuffer` type."],["codecs","Encoding and decoding for various image file formats."],["error","Contains detailed error representation."],["flat","Image representations for ffi."],["imageops","Image Processing Functions"],["io","Input and output of images."],["jpeg","Decoding and Encoding of JPEG Images"],["math","Mathematical helper functions and types."]],"struct":[["Bgr","BGR colors"],["Bgra","BGR colors + alpha channel"],["Delay","The delay of a frame relative to the previous one."],["Frame","A single animation frame"],["Frames","An implementation dependent iterator, reading the frames as requested"],["ImageBuffer","Generic image buffer"],["Luma","Grayscale colors"],["LumaA","Grayscale colors + alpha channel"],["Pixels","Immutable pixel iterator"],["Progress","Represents the progress of an image operation."],["Rgb","RGB colors"],["Rgba","RGB colors + alpha channel"],["SubImage","A View into another image"]],"trait":[["AnimationDecoder","AnimationDecoder trait"],["EncodableLayout","Types which are safe to treat as an immutable byte slice in a pixel layout for image encoding."],["GenericImage","A trait for manipulating images."],["GenericImageView","Trait to inspect an image."],["ImageDecoder","The trait that all decoders implement"],["ImageDecoderExt","Specialized image decoding not be supported by all formats"],["ImageEncoder","The trait all encoders implement"],["Pixel","A generalized pixel."],["Primitive","Primitive trait from old stdlib"]],"type":[["GrayAlphaImage","Sendable grayscale + alpha channel image buffer"],["GrayImage","Sendable grayscale image buffer"],["RgbImage","Sendable Rgb image buffer"],["RgbaImage","Sendable Rgb + alpha channel image buffer"]]};