blob: 1810ce9d239c9bf9b6cbc8bdc85fbb7d27420799 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["FromHexError","The error type for decoding a hex string into `Vec<u8>` or `[u8; N]`."]],"fn":[["decode","Decodes a hex string into raw bytes."],["decode_to_slice","Decode a hex string into a mutable bytes slice."],["encode","Encodes `data` as hex string using lowercase characters."],["encode_to_slice","Encodes some bytes into a mutable slice of bytes."],["encode_upper","Encodes `data` as hex string using uppercase characters."]],"trait":[["FromHex","Types that can be decoded from a hex string."],["ToHex","Encoding values as hex string."]]};