blob: 1d341eacc4a0646e3e2315d25424319207d4e5d3 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["channel","Creates a bounded mpsc channel for communicating between asynchronous tasks."],["unbounded","Creates an unbounded mpsc channel for communicating between asynchronous tasks."]],"struct":[["Receiver","The receiving end of a bounded mpsc channel."],["SendError","The error type for `Sender`s used as `Sink`s."],["Sender","The transmission end of a bounded mpsc channel."],["TryRecvError","The error type returned from `try_next`."],["TrySendError","The error type returned from `try_send`."],["UnboundedReceiver","The receiving end of an unbounded mpsc channel."],["UnboundedSender","The transmission end of an unbounded mpsc channel."]]};