blob: 292948fa87b4b64db0ce9baa204092e83d3cd5af [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["ALL_CODEC_TYPES","The list of all available codecs for u64 convertible data."]],"enum":[["FastFieldCodecType","Available codecs to use to encode the u64 (via [`MonotonicallyMappableToU64`]) converted data."],["U128FastFieldCodecType","Available codecs to use to encode the u128 (via [`MonotonicallyMappableToU128`]) converted data."]],"fn":[["estimate","Return estimated compression for given codec in the value range [0.0..1.0], where 1.0 means no compression."],["monotonic_map_column","Creates a view of a column transformed by a strictly monotonic mapping. See [`StrictlyMonotonicFn`]."],["open","Returns the correct codec reader wrapped in the `Arc` for the data."],["open_u128","Returns the correct codec reader wrapped in the `Arc` for the data."],["serialize","Serializes the column with the codec with the best estimate on the data."],["serialize_and_load","Helper function to serialize a column (autodetect from all codecs) and then open it"],["serialize_u128","Serializes u128 values with the compact space codec."]],"struct":[["IterColumn","Wraps an iterator into a `Column`."],["NormalizedHeader","The normalized header gives some parameters after applying the following normalization of the vector: `val -> (val - min_value) / gcd`"],["VecColumn","VecColumn provides `Column` over a slice."]],"trait":[["Column","`Column` provides columnar access on a field."],["MonotonicallyMappableToU128","Montonic maps a value to u128 value space Monotonic mapping enables `PartialOrd` on u128 space without conversion to original space."],["MonotonicallyMappableToU64","Monotonic maps a value to u64 value space. Monotonic mapping enables `PartialOrd` on u64 space without conversion to original space."],["StrictlyMonotonicFn","Values need to be strictly monotonic mapped to a `Internal` value (u64 or u128) that can be used in fast field codecs."]]};