blob: fd3a9fd4d572f260906b8de8926dbd95207b46f6 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["DEFAULT_FILTER_ENV","The default name for the environment variable to read filters from."],["DEFAULT_WRITE_STYLE_ENV","The default name for the environment variable to read style preferences from."]],"enum":[["Target","Log target, either `stdout`, `stderr` or a custom pipe."],["WriteStyle","Whether or not to print styles to the target."]],"fn":[["builder","Create a new builder with the default environment variables."],["from_env","Create a builder from the given environment variables."],["init","Initializes the global logger with an env logger."],["init_from_env","Initializes the global logger with an env logger from the given environment variables."],["try_init","Attempts to initialize the global logger with an env logger."],["try_init_from_env","Attempts to initialize the global logger with an env logger from the given environment variables."]],"mod":[["filter","Filtering for log records."],["fmt","Formatting for log records."]],"struct":[["Builder","`Builder` acts as builder for initializing a `Logger`."],["Env","Set of environment variables to configure from."],["Logger","The env logger."]]};