blob: 5517c1ba05d1c7f2d254b1cbbc6d6923555baae0 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["default_collector","Returns the default global collector."],["is_pinned","Returns `true` if the current thread is pinned."],["pin","Pins the current thread."],["unprotected","Returns a reference to a dummy guard that allows unprotected access to `Atomic`s."]],"struct":[["Atomic","An atomic pointer that can be safely shared between threads."],["Collector","An epoch-based garbage collector."],["CompareExchangeError","The error returned on failed compare-and-swap operation."],["Guard","A guard that keeps the current thread pinned."],["LocalHandle","A handle to a garbage collector."],["Owned","An owned heap-allocated object."],["Shared","A pointer to an object protected by the epoch GC."]],"trait":[["CompareAndSetOrdering","Memory orderings for compare-and-set operations."],["Pointable","Types that are pointed to by a single word."],["Pointer","A trait for either `Owned` or `Shared` pointers."]],"type":[["CompareAndSetError","The error returned on failed compare-and-set operation."]]};