blob: b9cd08e1d7397686f8d93c1042771efdcfde17d1 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["RecvTimeoutError","An error returned from the `recv_timeout` method."],["SendTimeoutError","An error returned from the `send_timeout` method."],["TryRecvError","An error returned from the `try_recv` method."],["TrySendError","An error returned from the `try_send` method."]],"fn":[["after","Creates a receiver that delivers a message after a certain duration of time."],["at","Creates a receiver that delivers a message at a certain instant in time."],["bounded","Creates a channel of bounded capacity."],["never","Creates a receiver that never delivers messages."],["tick","Creates a receiver that delivers messages periodically."],["unbounded","Creates a channel of unbounded capacity."]],"macro":[["select","Selects from a set of channel operations."]],"struct":[["IntoIter","A blocking iterator over messages in a channel."],["Iter","A blocking iterator over messages in a channel."],["ReadyTimeoutError","An error returned from the `ready_timeout` method."],["Receiver","The receiving side of a channel."],["RecvError","An error returned from the `recv` method."],["Select","Selects from a set of channel operations."],["SelectTimeoutError","An error returned from the `select_timeout` method."],["SelectedOperation","A selected operation that needs to be completed."],["SendError","An error returned from the `send` method."],["Sender","The sending side of a channel."],["TryIter","A non-blocking iterator over messages in a channel."],["TryReadyError","An error returned from the `try_ready` method."],["TrySelectError","An error returned from the `try_select` method."]]};