blob: 69f3da30954722c128afbd18c2b16a5e17a4c3e3 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["USB",""],["USB_TABLE",""],["X25",""],["X25_TABLE",""]],"fn":[["checksum_usb","Generates a USB 16 bit CRC checksum (AKA CRC-16-IBM)."],["checksum_x25","Generates a X25 16 bit CRC checksum (AKA CRC-16-CCITT)."],["make_table","Builds a CRC16 table using the standard or reflected method. If reflect==true, flip the individual byte bitwise, then flip the table value bitwise."],["update","Updates input CRC value `value` using CRC table `table` with byte array `bytes`."]],"struct":[["Digest","`Digest` struct for CRC calculation"]],"trait":[["Hasher16",""]]};