blob: 658ea432d9d3ed8258b94d9391d098e466d6b265 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["ParseResult","A `Result` type which has the committed status flattened into the result. Conversions to and from `std::result::Result` can be done using `result.into()` or `From::from(result)`"]],"fn":[["any","Parses any token."],["attempt","`attempt(p)` behaves as `p` except it always acts as `p` peeked instead of committed on its parse."],["between","Parses `open` followed by `parser` followed by `close`. Returns the value of `parser`."],["chainl1","Parses `p` 1 or more times separated by `op`. The value returned is the one produced by the left associative application of the function returned by the parser `op`."],["chainr1","Parses `p` one or more times separated by `op`. The value returned is the one produced by the right associative application of the function returned by `op`."],["choice","Takes a tuple, a slice or an array of parsers and tries to apply them each in order. Fails if all the parsers fails or if an applied parser consumes input before failing."],["count","Parses `parser` from zero up to `count` times."],["count_min_max","Parses `parser` from `min` to `max` times (including `min` and `max`)."],["eof","Succeeds only if the stream is at end of input, fails otherwise."],["from_str","Takes a parser that outputs a string like value (`&str`, `String`, `&[u8]` or `Vec<u8>`) and parses it using `std::str::FromStr`. Errors if the output of `parser` is not UTF-8 or if `FromStr::from_str` returns an error."],["look_ahead","`look_ahead(p)` acts as `p` but doesn’t consume input on success."],["many","Parses `p` zero or more times returning a collection with the values from `p`."],["many1","Parses `p` one or more times returning a collection with the values from `p`."],["none_of","Extract one token and succeeds if it is not part of `tokens`."],["not_followed_by","Succeeds only if `parser` fails. Never consumes any input."],["one_of","Extract one token and succeeds if it is part of `tokens`."],["optional","Parses `parser` and outputs `Some(value)` if it succeeds, `None` if it fails without consuming any input. Fails if `parser` fails after having committed some input."],["parser","Wraps a function, turning it into a parser."],["position","Parser which just returns the current position in the stream."],["produce","Always returns the value produced by calling `f`."],["satisfy","Parses a token and succeeds depending on the result of `predicate`."],["satisfy_map","Parses a token and passes it to `predicate`. If `predicate` returns `Some` the parser succeeds and returns the value inside the `Option`. If `predicate` returns `None` the parser fails without consuming any input."],["sep_by","Parses `parser` zero or more time separated by `separator`, returning a collection with the values from `p`."],["sep_by1","Parses `parser` one or more time separated by `separator`, returning a collection with the values from `p`."],["sep_end_by","Parses `parser` zero or more times separated and ended by `separator`, returning a collection with the values from `p`."],["sep_end_by1","Parses `parser` one or more times separated and ended by `separator`, returning a collection with the values from `p`."],["skip_count","Parses `parser` from zero up to `count` times skipping the output of `parser`."],["skip_count_min_max","Parses `parser` from `min` to `max` times (including `min` and `max`) skipping the output of `parser`."],["skip_many","Parses `p` zero or more times ignoring the result."],["skip_many1","Parses `p` one or more times ignoring the result."],["token","Parses a character and succeeds if the character is equal to `c`."],["tokens","Parses multiple tokens."],["tokens_cmp","Parses multiple tokens."],["unexpected","Always fails with `message` as an unexpected error. Never consumes any input."],["unexpected_any","Always fails with `message` as an unexpected error. Never consumes any input."],["value","Always returns the value `v` without consuming any input."]],"macro":[["choice","Takes a number of parsers and tries to apply them each in order. Fails if all the parsers fails or if an applied parser fails after it has committed to its parse."],["dispatch","`dispatch!` allows a parser to be constructed depending on earlier input, without forcing each branch to have the same type of parser"],["opaque","Convenience macro over `opaque`."],["parser","Declares a named parser which can easily be reused."],["struct_parser","Sequences multiple parsers and builds a struct out of them."]],"mod":[["error","Error types and traits which define what kind of errors combine parsers may emit"],["parser","A collection of both concrete parsers as well as parser combinators."],["stream","Streams are similar to the `Iterator` trait in that they represent some sequential set of items which can be retrieved one by one. Where `Stream`s differ is that they are allowed to return errors instead of just `None` and if they implement the `RangeStreamOnce` trait they are also capable of returning multiple items at the same time, usually in the form of a slice."]],"trait":[["ParseError","Trait which defines a combine parse error."],["Parser","By implementing the `Parser` trait a type says that it can be used to parse an input stream into the type `Output`."],["Positioned","A type which has a position."],["RangeStream","A `RangeStream` is an extension of `Stream` which allows for zero copy parsing."],["RangeStreamOnce","A `RangeStream` is an extension of `StreamOnce` which allows for zero copy parsing."],["Stream","A stream of tokens which can be duplicated"],["StreamOnce","`StreamOnce` represents a sequence of items that can be extracted one by one."]],"type":[["StdParseResult","A type alias over the specific `Result` type used by parsers to indicate whether they were successful or not. `O` is the type that is output on success. `Input` is the specific stream type used in the parser."]]};