blob: a1125e88db87a919188066106c05f71fe9575856 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["any","Parses any token."],["eof","Succeeds only if the stream is at end of input, fails otherwise."],["none_of","Extract one token and succeeds if it is not part of `tokens`."],["one_of","Extract one token and succeeds if it is part of `tokens`."],["position","Parser which just returns the current position in the stream."],["produce","Always returns the value produced by calling `f`."],["satisfy","Parses a token and succeeds depending on the result of `predicate`."],["satisfy_map","Parses a token and passes it to `predicate`. If `predicate` returns `Some` the parser succeeds and returns the value inside the `Option`. If `predicate` returns `None` the parser fails without consuming any input."],["token","Parses a character and succeeds if the character is equal to `c`."],["tokens","Parses multiple tokens."],["tokens_cmp","Parses multiple tokens."],["value","Always returns the value `v` without consuming any input."]],"struct":[["Any",""],["Eof",""],["NoneOf",""],["OneOf",""],["Position",""],["Produce",""],["Satisfy",""],["SatisfyMap",""],["Token",""],["Tokens",""],["TokensCmp",""],["Value",""]]};