blob: e8048f79ba2eebb644add1adc2309f1a791160d3 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"mod":[["byte","Module containing parsers specialized on byte streams."],["char","Module containing parsers specialized on character streams."],["choice","Combinators which take one or more parsers and attempts to parse successfully with at least one of them."],["combinator","Various combinators which do not fit anywhere else."],["error","Parsers which cause errors or modifies the returned error on parse failure."],["function","Parsers constructor from regular functions"],["range","Module containing zero-copy parsers."],["repeat","Combinators which take one or more parsers and applies them repeatedly."],["sequence","Combinators which take multiple parsers and applies them one after another."],["token","Parsers working with single stream items."]],"trait":[["Parser","By implementing the `Parser` trait a type says that it can be used to parse an input stream into the type `Output`."]]};