blob: 21827234d70463c902a069e17352b012e50d21d2 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["choice","Takes a tuple, a slice or an array of parsers and tries to apply them each in order. Fails if all the parsers fails or if an applied parser consumes input before failing."],["optional","Parses `parser` and outputs `Some(value)` if it succeeds, `None` if it fails without consuming any input. Fails if `parser` fails after having committed some input."],["or","Equivalent to `p1.or(p2)`."]],"struct":[["Choice",""],["Optional",""],["Or",""]],"trait":[["ChoiceParser","`ChoiceParser` represents a parser which may parse one of several different choices depending on the input."]]};