blob: 87808578383272a6f1e7d761a5946c11320f2505 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["alpha_num","Parses either an ASCII alphabet letter or digit (a–z, A–Z, 0–9)."],["byte","Parses a byte and succeeds if the byte is equal to `c`."],["bytes","Parses the bytes `s`."],["bytes_cmp","Parses the bytes `s` using `cmp` to compare each token."],["crlf","Parses carriage return and newline (`&b\"\\r\\n\"`), returning the newline byte."],["digit","Parses a base-10 digit (0–9)."],["hex_digit","Parses an ASCII hexdecimal digit (accepts both uppercase and lowercase)."],["letter","Parses an ASCII alphabet letter (a–z, A–Z)."],["lower","Parses an lowercase ASCII letter (a–z)."],["newline","Parses a newline byte (`b'\\n'`)."],["oct_digit","Parses an octal digit."],["space","Parses a `b' '`, `b'\\t'`, `b'\\n'` or `'b\\'r'`."],["spaces","Skips over `space` zero or more times"],["tab","Parses a tab byte (`b'\\t'`)."],["take_until_byte","Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `a` is found."],["take_until_byte2","Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `a` or `b` is found."],["take_until_byte3","Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `a`, ‘b’ or `c` is found."],["take_until_bytes","Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `needle` is found."],["upper","Parses an uppercase ASCII letter (A–Z)."]],"mod":[["num","Parsers for decoding numbers in big-endian or little-endian order."]],"struct":[["TakeUntilByte",""],["TakeUntilByte2",""],["TakeUntilByte3",""]]};