blob: 69ea32d6e0e20bc29c46bb1eb38b2eee18fd1a68 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Candidate","A candidate is the result of running a prefilter on a haystack at a particular position."]],"struct":[["FindIter","An iterator of non-overlapping matches in a particular haystack."],["FindOverlappingIter","An iterator of overlapping matches in a particular haystack."],["OverlappingState","Represents the current state of an overlapping search."],["Prefilter","A prefilter for accelerating a search."],["StateID","The identifier of a finite automaton state."],["StateIDError","This error occurs when an ID could not be constructed."],["StreamFindIter","An iterator that reports matches in a stream."]],"trait":[["Automaton","A trait that abstracts over Aho-Corasick automata."]]};