blob: d91ad32a2e4cb3e30ddb5f803edd413d35843332 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["Error","An error that occurs during certificate validation or name validation."]],"mod":[["trust_anchor_util","Utilities for efficiently embedding trust anchors in programs."]],"static":[["ECDSA_P256_SHA256","ECDSA signatures using the P-256 curve and SHA-256."],["ECDSA_P256_SHA384","ECDSA signatures using the P-256 curve and SHA-384. Deprecated."],["ECDSA_P384_SHA256","ECDSA signatures using the P-384 curve and SHA-256. Deprecated."],["ECDSA_P384_SHA384","ECDSA signatures using the P-384 curve and SHA-384."],["ED25519","ED25519 signatures according to RFC 8410"],["RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA256","RSA PKCS#1 1.5 signatures using SHA-256 for keys of 2048-8192 bits."],["RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA384","RSA PKCS#1 1.5 signatures using SHA-384 for keys of 2048-8192 bits."],["RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA512","RSA PKCS#1 1.5 signatures using SHA-512 for keys of 2048-8192 bits."],["RSA_PKCS1_3072_8192_SHA384","RSA PKCS#1 1.5 signatures using SHA-384 for keys of 3072-8192 bits."],["RSA_PSS_2048_8192_SHA256_LEGACY_KEY","RSA PSS signatures using SHA-256 for keys of 2048-8192 bits and of type rsaEncryption; see RFC 4055 Section 1.2."],["RSA_PSS_2048_8192_SHA384_LEGACY_KEY","RSA PSS signatures using SHA-384 for keys of 2048-8192 bits and of type rsaEncryption; see RFC 4055 Section 1.2."],["RSA_PSS_2048_8192_SHA512_LEGACY_KEY","RSA PSS signatures using SHA-512 for keys of 2048-8192 bits and of type rsaEncryption; see RFC 4055 Section 1.2."]],"struct":[["DNSName","A DNS Name suitable for use in the TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) extension and/or for use as the reference hostname for which to verify a certificate."],["DNSNameRef","A reference to a DNS Name suitable for use in the TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) extension and/or for use as the reference hostname for which to verify a certificate."],["EndEntityCert","An end-entity certificate."],["InvalidDNSNameError","An error indicating that a `DNSNameRef` could not built because the input is not a syntactically-valid DNS Name."],["SignatureAlgorithm","A signature algorithm."],["TLSClientTrustAnchors","Trust anchors which may be used for authenticating clients."],["TLSServerTrustAnchors","Trust anchors which may be used for authenticating servers."],["Time","The time type."],["TrustAnchor","A trust anchor (a.k.a. root CA)."]]};