blob: 54ed3fdda3675d33f1ed677899fcb44353de1fbd [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"attr":[["instrument","Instruments a function to create and enter a `tracing` span every time the function is called."]],"macro":[["debug","Constructs an event at the debug level."],["debug_span","Constructs a span at the debug level."],["enabled","Checks whether a span or event is enabled based on the provided metadata."],["error","Constructs an event at the error level."],["error_span","Constructs a span at the error level."],["event","Constructs a new `Event`."],["event_enabled","Tests whether an event with the specified level and target would be enabled."],["info","Constructs an event at the info level."],["info_span","Constructs a span at the info level."],["span","Constructs a new span."],["span_enabled","Tests whether a span with the specified level and target would be enabled."],["trace","Constructs an event at the trace level."],["trace_span","Constructs a span at the trace level."],["warn","Constructs an event at the warn level."],["warn_span","Constructs a span at the warn level."]],"mod":[["dispatcher","Dispatches trace events to `Subscriber`s."],["event","Events represent single points in time during the execution of a program."],["field","`Span` and `Event` key-value data."],["instrument","Attach a span to a `std::future::Future`."],["level_filters","Trace verbosity level filtering."],["span","Spans represent periods of time in which a program was executing in a particular context."],["subscriber","Collects and records trace data."]],"struct":[["Dispatch","`Dispatch` trace data to a [`Subscriber`]."],["Event","`Event`s represent single points in time where something occurred during the execution of a program."],["Level","Describes the level of verbosity of a span or event."],["Metadata","Metadata describing a span or event."],["Span","A handle representing a span, with the capability to enter the span if it exists."]],"trait":[["Instrument","Attaches spans to a [`std::future::Future`]."],["Subscriber","Trait representing the functions required to collect trace data."],["Value","A field value of an erased type."]]};