blob: a984e0938159c4ff044debc83fdd159f6d86847b [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["service_fn","Returns a new [`ServiceFn`] with the given closure."]],"mod":[["balance","Middleware that allows balancing load among multiple services."],["buffer","Middleware that provides a buffered mpsc channel to a service."],["builder","Builder types to compose layers and services"],["discover","Service discovery"],["layer","A collection of `Layer` based tower services"],["limit","Tower middleware for limiting requests."],["load","Service load measurement"],["make","Trait aliases for Services that produce specific types of Responses."],["ready_cache","A cache of services"],["timeout","Middleware that applies a timeout to requests."],["util","Various utility types and functions that are generally used with Tower."]],"struct":[["ServiceBuilder","Declaratively construct `Service` values."]],"trait":[["Layer","Decorates a `Service`, transforming either the request or the response."],["MakeService","Creates new [`Service`] values."],["Service","An asynchronous function from a `Request` to a `Response`."],["ServiceExt","An extension trait for `Service`s that provides a variety of convenient adapters"]],"type":[["BoxError","Alias for a type-erased error type."]]};