blob: e76db9fd3feff3c1d72e65c9e8ea0b8c10478adf [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"struct":[["AsyncFd","Associates an IO object backed by a Unix file descriptor with the tokio reactor, allowing for readiness to be polled. The file descriptor must be of a type that can be used with the OS polling facilities (ie, `poll`, `epoll`, `kqueue`, etc), such as a network socket or pipe, and the file descriptor must have the nonblocking mode set to true."],["AsyncFdReadyGuard","Represents an IO-ready event detected on a particular file descriptor that has not yet been acknowledged. This is a `must_use` structure to help ensure that you do not forget to explicitly clear (or not clear) the event."],["AsyncFdReadyMutGuard","Represents an IO-ready event detected on a particular file descriptor that has not yet been acknowledged. This is a `must_use` structure to help ensure that you do not forget to explicitly clear (or not clear) the event."],["TryIoError","The error type returned by `try_io`."]]};