blob: 988ca11555cb6f166e2331992a9d43a17e5008b3 [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["dedent","Removes common leading whitespace from each line."],["fill","Fill a line of text at `width` characters. Strings are wrapped based on their displayed width, not their size in bytes."],["indent","Add prefix to each non-empty line."],["wrap","Wrap a line of text at `width` characters. Strings are wrapped based on their displayed width, not their size in bytes."],["wrap_iter","Lazily wrap a line of text at `width` characters. Strings are wrapped based on their displayed width, not their size in bytes."]],"struct":[["HyphenSplitter","Simple and default way to split words: splitting on existing hyphens only."],["IntoWrapIter","An iterator over the lines of the input string which owns a `Wrapper`. An instance of `IntoWrapIter` is typically obtained through either `wrap_iter` or `Wrapper::into_wrap_iter`."],["NoHyphenation","Use this as a `Wrapper.splitter` to avoid any kind of hyphenation:"],["WrapIter","An iterator over the lines of the input string which borrows a `Wrapper`. An instance of `WrapIter` is typically obtained through the `Wrapper::wrap_iter` method."],["Wrapper","A Wrapper holds settings for wrapping and filling text. Use it when the convenience `wrap_iter`, `wrap` and `fill` functions are not flexible enough."]],"trait":[["WordSplitter","An interface for splitting words."]]};