blob: 5b839fa9526e6e283d5c0ee690fb3f23a3ad11ae [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"enum":[["CharEscape","Represents a character escape code in a type-safe manner."]],"fn":[["to_string","Serialize the given data structure as a String of JSON."],["to_string_pretty","Serialize the given data structure as a pretty-printed String of JSON."],["to_vec","Serialize the given data structure as a JSON byte vector."],["to_vec_pretty","Serialize the given data structure as a pretty-printed JSON byte vector."],["to_writer","Serialize the given data structure as JSON into the IO stream."],["to_writer_pretty","Serialize the given data structure as pretty-printed JSON into the IO stream."]],"struct":[["CompactFormatter","This structure compacts a JSON value with no extra whitespace."],["PrettyFormatter","This structure pretty prints a JSON value to make it human readable."],["Serializer","A structure for serializing Rust values into JSON."]],"trait":[["Formatter","This trait abstracts away serializing the JSON control characters, which allows the user to optionally pretty print the JSON output."]]};