blob: 65008c66d0000b7d81ac583935de17237e4fb79d [file] [log] [blame]
window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"fn":[["compile_time_assert_clone","`compile_time_assert_clone::<T>();` fails to compile if `T` doesn’t implement `Clone`."],["compile_time_assert_copy","`compile_time_assert_copy::<T>();` fails to compile if `T` doesn’t implement `Copy`."],["compile_time_assert_send","`compile_time_assert_send::<T>();` fails to compile if `T` doesn’t implement `Send`."],["compile_time_assert_sync","`compile_time_assert_sync::<T>();` fails to compile if `T` doesn’t implement `Sync`."],["from_hex","Decode an string of hex digits into a sequence of bytes. The input must have an even number of digits."],["run","Parses test cases out of the given file, calling `f` on each vector until `f` fails or until all the test vectors have been read. `f` can indicate failure either by returning `Err()` or by panicking."]],"struct":[["File","A test input file."],["TestCase","A test case. A test case consists of a set of named attributes. Every attribute in the test case must be consumed exactly once; this helps catch typos and omissions."]]};